The Story Ends When The Phone Rings
“The phone rang in the church and a nun
answered. My phone rang and it was the
hospital. They were singing “His Eye Is on the
Sparrow,” And I wish she would fly back to me
once again.”
「修女接聽教堂裏響起的電話,我被從醫院來電的鈴 聲驚醒,她們高歌著His Eye Is on the Sparrow,我在期盼她再次飛到我身邊。」
「修女接聽教堂裏響起的電話,我被從醫院來電的鈴 聲驚醒,她們高歌著His Eye Is on the Sparrow,我在期盼她再次飛到我身邊。」

2020, Pencil and colored pencil on paper, 87.5 x 57cm
In bird watching, some professional bird watchers would create drawings to help them study the bird behavior and appearance such as the feather pattern. This painting reminds one of such. The bird under study is none other than Hong Kong sparrows. They are seen here feeding, singing, hopping, flying and resting.
At first, it may seem odd if one find out that Sister Act 2 (1993) is the film reference. There is a scene in which the character Rita played by Lauryn Hill sings the Gospel hymn His Eye On the Sparrow. These words "His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me" sum up the inspiration and meaning of the hymn.
The artist still has vivid memory of this scene when he first watched the film 17 years ago. It was during which the hospital called telling his family that their grandmother, whom he was very attached to as a toddler, was in critical condition.
We miss our lost loved ones to infinity. Sparrows sent from heaven.